Saturday 10 September 2016

Math and Language Update

I have had such a great first week back at school, and I hope your child has too.  We have already begun our first writing assignment.  We are practicing letter writing, and the students are working on writing a friendly letter to me; introducing themselves, telling me a little about their summer adventures, and setting some academic and personal goals for themselves.  We hope to have our final copies ready to show you on our Program night on September 22nd. This coming week we will begin practicing cursive writing.  We will learn the proper formation of each letter and then continue to develop our cursive writing skills each week while practicing our word wall words.  

We will begin our study of Place Value this week.  The Grade five expectation is that students will be able to represent and order numbers to 100 000 and develop the concept of place value to hundredths (0.01). You can help your child at home by verbally quizzing them on numbers to up to 100,000 and having them write the numeral, or by writing large numbers and have them read them aloud. 

Our regular homework program will begin Friday September 23, however students will be given a package of cursive writing practice this Friday with the expectation that they practice on their own during the week and return the completed package on Friday September 23rd. 

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to meeting you on the 22nd!

    Claire's Mom
